AI use to direct the selling and marketing proceses


Most companies have sales and marketing centers of expertise, but few have a holistic view of how to improve their sales and marketing processes using the next logical extension of big data, AI searching for appropriate patterns that yield better results. This is not a general Business Intelligence type of question.

What evidence is there to be found that AI can be successfully applied to the sales and marketing processes and generate measureable results?

Sales Management
Marketing Management
Sandy Waters
77 months ago

4 answers


Hello Sandy,
The most recent example I saw was from a company named Versium. Believe it or not, Microsoft funds the license cost so there is no usage license cost for the product (only Azure consumption). However, the demo I saw did run on top of Dynamics365, which does have a license cost, although less than what a Salesforce would cost you.
The demo I saw was recorded and can be viewed at .

Gates Ouimette, SherWeb

Gates Ouimette
77 months ago

Different AI application are successfully applied to marketing and sales:

  • Search. Google did an innovative work on this and explained how search algorithms are beneficial to return with information from the web
  • Recommendation engine. Companies such as Netflix, eBay know your behavior based on your past activity on their platforms and then provide you with advice
  • Search Engine Marketing campaigns
  • Image recognition (e.g. again Google or Tineye). Just take a picture and search for products, then use these findings to customized the description of yours
Paolo Beffagnotti
77 months ago

A good reference is X-box and the augmentation of customer acquisition through the introduction of theme based games. Significant lift in acquisition resulted, by integrating data from disparate sources ad employing different levels of recommendations.
Another instance was a global auto-manufacturer that was able to realize a 30% decrease in customer acquisition costs.
Premium hardware ICT sales, with an appreciable increase in units moved at launch.
The impact on tiem to market, acquaition costs and following consumption - privacy opt in - shows a significant appeal through social sentiment analysis.

Warren Hero
77 months ago

There are a handful of good marketing automation solutions out there which support AI/deep-learning based sales and marketing processes. These systems learn from connected users, from their questions and answers, from the behavior and correlations. One vendor, which does not really understand themselves as marketing automation solution, but provides an AI/deep-learning system for such purposes is

Sebastian Grodzietzki
76 months ago

Have some input?