Semi Retired at SW Consulting but still helping companies accelerate growth at SW Consulting
Joined 01/24/2018
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To contact me directly please email at MAINEWOODS140@HOTMAIL.COMTwitter: sandy_waters1Video - Topic is New Media: Author: "Sales - What A Concept!", link: - Author: "The Future, What A Concept!", Epub date 12/14 - Author: "Accelerators and Startups", Epub date 3/15- Author: Epubs - Humor - Summer Memories: A Scent of Summer (#1), Humor - Some Tall Turkey Tales (#2), Humor - Close Encounters of the Manure Kind (#3). Want to know what the future looks like for your business? Call me and "State the nature of your problem". Ask what your company can do with a creative business development professional with over forty years of entrepreneurism. I lead, provide guidance, coaching, and a whole lot more. - Business Future Strategist, Author, facilitator and Practitioner of Open Innovation methods, AGILE technology innovation, tech transfer and commercialization, forensic marketing methods, Agile marketing methods, channel assessment, performance improvement, sales process performance improvement- Miller Heiman Sales Performance Consultant and expert with sales and diagnostics, strategic and tactical business planning, high performance marketing plans, channel development, Large Account Management processes- Business Development of new channels, alliances, partnerships, joint ventures and other forms of business development- Small and Medium Enterprise Business Process Champion Evangelist for Sales System Processes - Product and Services planning, ideation, commercialization, Open Innovation development methods, launch and support- International , Commercial, Government, and Public Sector Business Development- Market research, segmentation, product and service mapping, forensic marketing, market intelligence assessments- Expertise with strategic and tactical planning, sales planning, market planning and execution - Expertise in channel development, channel assessments, competitive profiling and positioning
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