Curriculum vitae and resume to land a job


In your opinion, what are the important points to take note of when writing a stunning CV or resume in order to secure a job? Since many HR officer stated that most job seeker does not even shortlisted for an interview not because of their skills and experience but due to a poor CV. Besides, does a recruiter help in job seeking?

Human Resources
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
job seeker
Lawrence Loy
63 months ago

7 answers


Keep it short, show more accomplishments with your key skills. Numbers are good to show the achievements.

Hitesh Mathpal
63 months ago
I agree that most CV are to lengthy and comprehensive. This makes the CV and resume looks too long winded and does not stand out incompare to other condidates. - Lawrence 63 months ago
I like the phrase " Keep it short" but it need to be precise too. - Adrian 63 months ago

Key is accomplishments with quantifiable metrics. Increased sales by X%, decreased waste by X%, budget size, staff managed size.... Highlight skills, team work...

judith sands
63 months ago
Great point. Elaboration of accomplishment. However, many does not know how to highlight their acommplishment appropriately. In your opinion, what are the top essentail skills that most HR manager are looking for? - Lawrence 63 months ago
Accomplishments are what one uses to negotiate a salary increase. What sets you apart from your peers. Management of responsibilities with associated results. This is the "brag" time opportunity. Skills, maintaining budget, staffing, cost reducts, just in time inventory ordering, increasing sales, no adverse events. Depends on the industry for specifics. What are you measured against> - judith 63 months ago

It depend on what company are you applying for. If you are applying for a job in business or marketing industry, the resume should be stylish and catchy. If you are applying for a job in a academic or research industry, the resume should be as details as possible which includes all your past experience and expertise. In a nut shell, it depend on what you are applying for!

Adrian Minh
63 months ago
Agreed. CV and resume must be job specific. Numerous applicant are often discovered to "Cut and paste" the same CV for a variety of job they seek. - Lawrence 63 months ago

I did this and this happened. Don't list jobs, show the deliverables from ones efforts.

David Cottrell
63 months ago
Great point. One should take an effort to elaborate their experiences rather than just listing them out to make it stands out from the others. - Lawrence 63 months ago

a CV that match the job description. It is important that the job seeker tries to paraphrase certain key phrase or word that matches the job description so to provide an idea to the HR manager that you understand the job responsibilities and fit the job.

Chun Wei
62 months ago

I believe that the automatic systems that read and filter CVs play a central role in having skilled and qualified candidates being rejected. The CV should be written in a way that such systems will read it correctly. The automatic systems are used by HR recruiters due to the huge number of applicants. Take for example LinkedIn, a job post for a Project Manager will attract m ore than 1000 applicants in the first week. We cannot expect the job poster to go through all these CVs.
After passing the automatic system screening, your CV needs to pass the HR manager screening. HR managers spend very short time on a CV. Therefore the CV should be written in a way that highlight the candidates capability to handle the job requirements. A cover letter can play a vital role in this process since the applicant can summarize why he/she is suitable for the job post.

Monther Haddad

Dr. Monther Haddad - DBA
62 months ago
That's a new and interesting piece of information. Could you provide any criteria or guidiance regarding how does the automatic system function by preeliminate and selecting the potential candidates? Does the system look for certain key words? Thanks - Lawrence 62 months ago
Hi Lawrence, the best file format is the TEXT file, the 2nd best is doc, the 3rd best is PDF. PDF is good for formatting the CV but not all systems can read it correctly. TEXT files are the best but not good for formatting. If there is an option to paste you CV somewhere then do it. The trade-off ooption is the MS word file. It is readable by the systems and you can format your CV well. - Dr. Monther 62 months ago
Furthermore, you need to specifically mention your key competencies. IF you are applying for Project Manager, you need to mention the main keywords for project management such as "Project Manager", "Manage", "Project", "Plan", "Budget", etc. To be safe, look for several job descriptions and make sure to mention the repeating key words in there descriptions. In general, avoid header/footer. - Dr. Monther 62 months ago

Keep it short , at max 2 pages. On top make sure you add few technology keywords, followed by your experinece. Most of the recureter and HR manager hardly spend 30 sec on a resume and they skim through resume in Z track. Means starting from left to right and then move to right bottom to look for relevant experience.

Amjad Shahzad
62 months ago
Totally agreed. Short and concise. - Lawrence 62 months ago

Have some input?