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Financial Services Blockchain Revolution


In what ways, and on what timelines, do you see blockchain and related technologies disrupting financial services?

Blockchain Technology
Financial Services
Regulatory Compliance
Anthony S. Dell, JD, LLM
86 months ago

8 answers


Hi Anthony:
Big question but blockchain adoption in FinTech has been aggressive since 2016 with Private Equity funding for early stage firms surging from $3B to $35B last year. The key area of payments processing has been critical as have been the Smart Wallet areas of PayPal and Apple Pay. If you can narrow your interest area, perhaps I can be more helpful. Meanwhile, you can check out CBI, Business Intelligence and Pitchbook. Always follow the money flows.....

Pip Barton
86 months ago
Thanks, Pip! I'm also getting more and more involved in how it will impact the back offices of financial services companies. I've been in compliance for a long time, and I see the back office (including Compliance) as absolutely ripe for serious technological disruption, especially from DLT/Blockchain and other advancing tech. - Anthony S. 86 months ago
Very interesting? - Dr. David E. 74 months ago

Personally, what people are telling me is that block chain is lkely to be adopted for some functions in the financial services idustry but it will hardly be disruptive. PayPal, for example, moves money from ypuu bank to another bank and holds it in PayPal's bank in between. That is convenient and less expensive but not disruptive. FINRA published a report on DLT last spring that went into quite a bit of detail, in part, because they included some pretty good peple in the study group. It is a good place to start. As to a tme line, one of the things that FINRA noted is that decentralized system will always have security iand compliance ssues. I worked in the industry in the 1970s when it switched over from paper order tickets to computers.In retropect that transition went remarkably well but it was not flawless.

Irwin Stein
86 months ago
Thanks, Irwin. I'm seeing firsthand a very different experience in terms of the disruption to financial services, including back offices, exchanges, transfer agents, recordkeeping, custodians, and all the other infrastructure players. The trend is already underway, and I won't be surprised to see a significant percentage of human jobs replaced by computers, software, and bots in the ears to come. - Anthony S. 86 months ago
BC is fine and fast enough for CCs and financial services. It is too slow for medicine and PHI, EMRs, etc. - Dr. David E. 74 months ago

Multiple governments (Singapore, Russia among top) are actively investing into exploration and implications of Blockchain and digital currencies. Is that significant enough to call it a disruption of economic world? I would think it is. So in terms of timeline, it has already disrupted.
In what ways is a much broader question. Financial world sees the biggest intermediation in most activities, and therefore incurably susceptible to Blockchain, or likewise technology.

Sibendu Das
86 months ago
thus far, TRUE DAT! - Dr. David E. 74 months ago

Well if you have a job in the financial service industry, it already is starting to disrupt the number of people used in back offices for settlement etc. Initially efficiency gains will cull 10's of thousands out of the back office due to efficiencies of a shared ledger. Layoff due to efficiencies started on small scale in 2017 and will crest in the next 3-5 years. Having worked on several of the top banks in the world proposals, initial gains will be private blockchains internally for efficiency.

Long term Blockchain software and Crypto currencies will dramatically change the entire way the financial industry is structured.

James Barry
86 months ago
The industry of choice, thus far. - Dr. David E. 74 months ago

Block chain is already being used in financial services, and most prominently in the R3 Corda Ledger - the financial services portion of the internet of things hyper-ledger. The disruption has been extreme, most notable being the reduction of the trade-confirm-settle cycle for equities to under a minute - versus the current two days.

The NYSE trades a conservative 25 Billion/Day of equities. Reducing the cycle to a minute saves 50 Billion of working capital that no longer needs to be financed. An industry savings of 1.387 Billion/year per 1% of interest cost - on just one exchange. As the Corda ledger is not restricted to just the NYSE, the working capital interest savings extend to the globes major exchanges as well - producing a collective interest saving well above this.

Martin Butcher
86 months ago
Martin that will certainly be the case when implemented accross the NYSE, but its not there yet. WIth Goldman Sachs √ dropping out of R3 We will see if that comes true. Sweetbridge is looking at reducing working capital in the supply chain and saving 10's of billions, but it too is not there yet. - James 86 months ago
Good insights. - Dr. David E. 74 months ago

The time is now... The financial sector is being disrupted as we speak and it is in the process of being restructured as these types of institutions are scrambling to find ways to adapt via permissioned or private blockchains... This sector will face an uphill battle in securing permissioned or private networks due to the lack of masternodes... Sector must find ways to compensate or incentivise those willing to maintain a masternode beyond just a few security tokens or coins... The financial sector must be prepared to compensate masternode holders above and beyond what a Financial Sector CEO would receive, this requirement alone will decide whether the financial sector remains relevant or obsolete...

Robert "BitRebel" Tiger
77 months ago
Agree. - Dr. David E. 74 months ago

Triple Entry Accounting

The term “Triple Entry Accounting,” was first used by Ian Grigg, financial cryptographer, and described in his paper published in 2005, three years before the emergence of Bitcoin and its underlying Blockchain protocol.

But, what is it - really?

Dr. David E. M
74 months ago

The financial services blockchain revolution is transforming traditional banking and finance by enhancing security, transparency, and efficiency. Blockchain technology facilitates real-time transactions, reduces fraud, and eliminates Internet Providers Near Me intermediaries, resulting in lower costs. Smart contracts automate processes, increasing speed and reliability. As financial institutions adopt blockchain solutions, they pave the way for innovative services, improved customer experiences, and a more inclusive financial ecosystem.

Alrich oliva
4 months ago

Have some input?