

Does appendectomy prevent patients from restoring their probiotic?

Gastrointestinal Surgery
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Hussam Abu-Farsakh
76 months ago

8 answers


The appendix, considered an intestinal microbiota (Natural probiotic) reservoir. Appendectomies might lead to an increased risk of functional gastrointestinal disorders. As appendectomy might increase the risk of functional gastrointestinal disorders, it may prevent patients restoring natural probiotics.  There are some evidence based studies for adverse effect of appendectomy on functional GI disorders, but mechanism of which still not completely explored.

Probiotics are living organisms (microbiota) live in our GI. Supplementary probiotics, when ingested in adequate amounts exert a health benefit on the host that has been used in the management of a variety of medical disorders for almost a century based on little evidence. Current advances in the understanding of the gut flora and of its relationship to the host, together with progress in microbiology, molecular biology and clinical research have identified important biological properties for probiotics and demonstrated efficacy in many gastrointestinal disorders. 

Samares B
76 months ago
  1. The Appendix May Protect Against Clostridium difficile Recurrence. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2011, Pages 1072-1077. Gene Y. Im, Rani J. Modayil, Cheng T. Lin, Steven J. Geier, Douglas S. Katz, Martin Feuerman, James H. Grendell
  2. Biofilms in the large bowel suggest an apparent function of the human vermiform appendix. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 249, Issue 4, 21 December 2007, Pages 826-831. R. Randal Bollinger, Andrew S. Barbas, Errol L. Bush, Shu S. Lin, William Parker
  3. Appendectomy: a risk factor for colectomy in patients with Clostridium difficile. The American Journal of Surgery, Volume 209, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 532-535. Felix A. Yong, Anthony M. Alvarado, Huaping Wang, Jerry Tsai, Norman C. Estes
  4.  Appendectomy increased the risk of ischemic heart disease Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 199, Issue 2, December 2015, Pages 435-440. Chao-Hung Chen, Ming-Chieh Tsai, Herng-Ching Lin, Hsin-Chien Lee, Cha-Ze Lee, Shiu-Dong Chung
Samares B
76 months ago

It is unfortunate that constant pressure on academic researchers to publish in order to enhance their careers results in many publications appearing too early, before sufficient data become available to support conclusions made by authors of studies.
With reference to four publications offered by Mr. Biswas, terms in the titles suggest a preliminary nature of the reported observations: in the first publication - “may”; (2) - “suggest”; (3) - “a risk factor”.

The last publication cited fully recognizes that conclusions are very “soft”. I quote: “In summary, although the exact nature of the relationship between appendectomy and inflammatory processes including coronary heart disease is not known, the study by Chen et al.5 supports the need for further investigation both into the role of appendectomy in the development of ischemic heart disease. Additional population-based studies are need to confirm the association and improve generalizability to other populations, were the incidence of ischemic heart disease may differ. Clinical studies assessing the correlation between appendectomy and inflammatory markers such as CRP may provide more mechanistic proof that this association is real.”

(Let me also note that a review process, if any used has not ensured that the English of the publication is clear and correct. As it is, meaning of some sentences needs to be guessed...)

Karel Petrak
76 months ago
I agree with you Karel. All the research works published in different journals are not firmly confirming the relationship, they are talking about indications that requires further research works. - Samares 76 months ago
Thank you for your response, Samares; much appreciated. Karel - Karel 76 months ago

I tend to agree with Samares Biswas point of view . But more research needed

Hussam Abu-Farsakh
76 months ago

Can you spell out your question better?
What do you mean by "restoring probiotic"?

Michele Moschetta, MD, PhD
76 months ago

Hussam, I believe you are asking if someone who has had an appendectomy is still able to restore their flora with a probiotic. While I am not a doctor, I have spent a lot of time working with and reviewing the science behind probiotics. I am not aware of any research showing that an appendectomy patient is unable to restore their flora naturally or with the aid of a probiotic.

Dan Harper
76 months ago

From what is known about probiotics and the function of appendix, such effect of appendectomy is very unlikely.

Karel Petrak
76 months ago

According to few theories the appendix is believed to play role in managing bacterial flora,however nothing concrete has been proved so far. There are no studies pin pointing appendectomy deteriorates the functional capacity of intestines. In my opinion appendectomy will not affect any normal function till it is proved beyond doubts. Probiotics works perfectly fine in patients with appendectomy

Dr.Nilesh Goswami
76 months ago

Have some input?