Is this a niche application that will not contaminate recycling of conventional plastics?


In the 1990's there was a surge of interest in having bio degradable plastics, but higher cost/selling prices and less consistent final product performance prevented mass adoption of the early biodegradable candidates. Since then, the ability to recycle plastics like PET, PP, PE, HIPs, ABS and even foam PS has improved significantly. But the separation of species depends on distinct density differences, Color/Near Infrared differences, etc. Any contaminant ( rubber, wood, fillers, flame retardants) that lowers purity of the end product below ~95-90% usually degrades performance significantly making the selling prices uneconomic. How will the target applications for these biodegradables prevent contaminating the post consumer separation processes now in use around the world?

Recycling Technology
niche markets
Len Keck
76 months ago

1 answer


Seems too broad...are you concerned with waste stream contamination for recyclables or are you wondering if biodegradable will push away recycled conventional plastics?

Adam Malofsky, PhD
76 months ago

Have some input?