Next Generation Technological Solutions for Healthcare


I was reading this interesting article on the theme proposed,
AI, blockchain and visualization will be the next steps. Do you agree with this?

Artificial Intelligence
Paolo Beffagnotti
65 months ago

3 answers


Yes. definitely. Healthcare will transform with the emerging tech nologies

Anand V
65 months ago
E.g. Blockchain provides with an independent, transparent, and permanent database coexisting in multiple locations and shared by a community - Paolo 65 months ago
STILL = BC far too slow for HC- - Dr. David E. 64 months ago
because we are still at the beginning, I think it will speed up in the future - Paolo 64 months ago
Any evidence? - Dr. David E. 64 months ago
No just a tought now - Paolo 64 months ago
interesting, I could have a read at this - Paolo 64 months ago
Agreed- a very nice read. - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

Yes, I agree with the thoughts shared in that article. In-fact visualization is a common building block for any responsive IT system. So in addition to Blockchain, AI and Visualization. I would also like to add IoT, which is going to be an important component for a holistic healthcare solution.

Sumant Parimal
65 months ago
this is a year article but an interesting review on the rise of healthcare data visualization, - Paolo 65 months ago
Many thanks - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

Totally agreed. Health care services will completely modified and restructure by the incooperation of AI, block chain and visualization. The service quality provided by the provider will be significantly different from today where even though health care could provide better time to diagnosis, optimum treatment and solution but the quality of patient contact, the objective of health care will drastically changes. Taking Health care Insurance as an example, they would be benefit from the Advent of technology where they would request more screen for their buyer and increase the premium one pays if the buyer have associated risk( which does not really translated that he or she will suffer from the disease). Hence the benefits would slightly tilt towards the insurance provider which defeated the real purpose of one buying a health insurance.

Lawrence Loy
65 months ago
And as a result new providers are popping up. Not all the old ones are able to implement solutions including AI then they try to reach out to these startups. Implement AI is both time consuming and expensive as the right skills are needed - Paolo 65 months ago
Do you really want HI by a "NEW provider? - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

Have some input?