Blockchain technology in Supply Chain Management


Would the block chain technology enable us in Supply Chain Management to use it as platform for secure documents exchange? Customs docs? Packing lists/invoices/credit notes? Certificates of Origin? Or any other "information exchange" resulting in time saving and efficiences increase? Being the system of interconnected ledgers, the basis is there, to keep the track record and exchange of anything, not just payments in crypto currencies...

Supply Chain Management
Document Management
Patrik Ziman
77 months ago

5 answers


Yes, Blockchain technology may be used for exchange of documents (custom docs, Packing slips etc). There is great possibilities to explore in this domain of shared information exchange. It is a very good idea to explore and implement, however it needs supporting technologies at different stakeholders. Having block chain in crypto currency is just the start where traditionally IT support is stronger.

Sanjay Choubey
77 months ago

Blockchains are a valuable asset to an organization who values transparency at every stage of the process. As per your question, since information is stored in blocks by every user who is interfaced to the system, then yes all the information mentioned by you will be visible, available and you would also be able to identify changes, if any, are made by any participant within the block chain. Infact it will be visible to all users within the blockchain network that way you can always ensure transparency of the process being carried out. Also, since the process will be streamlined, tasks which create unnecessary bottlenecks will be avoided leading to faster execution. As far as crypto currencies go - that was just one use of the block chain mechanism. The possibilities and options are limitless!

M. Ahsan Pervez Siddiqui
77 months ago

If you have an existing platform, you would integrate Blockchain to enable "secure documents exchange? Customs docs? Packing lists/invoices/credit notes? Certificates of Origin? Or any other "information exchange"

We are working on a project for a company that has a marketplace for freight/moving and storage industry. We are even looking at integrating the data from their IoT devices that sit in the containers. We are talking about real time GPS tracking, temperature, open/close of container, and other data that will be fed directly into the Blockchain. We have a client in the Cannabis industry that's particularly interested as some of this information could be provided to Federal Agencies. Since it's on the Blockchain, it's trusted information.

We advise all our clients looking to do a Blockchain MVP or POC project to sit down and clearly define the business requirements. That's the first step in identifying specifically what you want to tackle first.

Daniel Sloan
77 months ago

Yes blockchain could speed up and secure the transmission of any information, everything is chronologically recorded and products could be easily traceable. It helps to reduce delays, it saves cost and at the beginning it could be implemented even for just few projects.

Paolo Beffagnotti
77 months ago

Yes, blockchain can be used in any network where more than one stakeholders involved in information exchange. In principle, it can be used in your supply chain use cases you just mentioned. 

Hitesh Mathpal
77 months ago

Have some input?