What services can be offered in-store to deliver a better consumer experience?


As consumers get more sophisticated and informed about the products before entering a physical store, retailers need to reinvent themselves on storytelling their product to engage consumers. In-store services are not only a way to drive consumers inside the store, but also to offer a richer experience along the journey, and ultimately drive higher sales and higher consumer satisfaction.
What are creative ways you have seen retailers offer in-store services to deliver a better consumer experience? What are key trends in this area?

Lucas Silveira
81 months ago

1 answer


One idea is the use of the "Memory Mirror" which enables customers to learn how to recreate at home in-store make up applications: http://wwd.com/beauty-industry-news/beauty-features/the-makeup-mirror-gets-social-at-le-metier-de-beautes-neiman-marcus-counters-10718136/
This approach draws customers into the store with an experience that they would otherwise not be able to replicate.

Michael Fruhling
81 months ago

Have some input?