Radical Innovation


Is anyone having the issue of University Harassment? There is a case now of a woman who wrote a paper she never released permission for that paper to be shown . Then the University executive read the paper and blew her business plan started contracts for the students and read the paper verbatim and took credit for it.
What can a student do in this situation? I could see if the University wanted to remark on what an excellent job the student did but to actually steal the work and then try to cover it up? There must be a way for the student to be awarded damages. Would a petition help? How would the student start the petition? I think the student should get 20 million. It cost her the business that she started.


Green Technology
Radical Innovation
Radical Collaboration
Diane Roessler Weinert
52 months ago

1 answer


Radical innovation impacts  entire industry by making radically innovative change in company culture to  stay ahead of the curve and create lasting customer loyalty and create products or services that change your industry for the better. Radical innovation which depends on collaboration and creativity of staff and willingness to work toward shared goals. 

Jatindranath Das
52 months ago

Have some input?