What are the Harmful Effects of Multi-tasking, Social Media and Digital Internet Stress‏?


Internet Use and Brain Atrophy

While conventional wisdom teaches us that multitasking makes us more efficient, research suggests that we’re incapable of efficiently managing more than two tasks at a time.

So, what really are the Harmful Effects of Multi-tasking, Social Media and Digital Internet Stress‏?

Your thoughts are appreciated.

Multi Tasking
Stress Management
Dr. David E. M
65 months ago

1 answer


Multi-tasking can be limited up to a certain point, more than that you will just loose your way and time. Social media is the typical disruptive element in this, In general it increases stress and anxiety, make us inefficient and lead to memory problems

Paolo Beffagnotti
65 months ago
NOPE: Social media is not stressful. Just unplug! Problem solved. - Dr. David E. 65 months ago
How many persons you know doing that? - Paolo 65 months ago
Obviously more each day or masochists. BYE - Dr. David E. 65 months ago

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