Why now? What's new?


Marketers have recognized the importance of brand storytelling since branding became an important marketing topic. So, what's different today? Why is there more emphasis on it?

Branding & Identity
Laurence Minsky
66 months ago

2 answers


I'm not certain that there is more emphasis on brand story telling, but it certainly is becoming more important. Consumer attention spans seem to be getting shorter, so you must engage prospects with a message that will be "sticky". This helps them position your product or service, and provides a context for its attributes that they can recall when it comes time to make a purchase choice.

Alfred Poor
65 months ago
To me, this is happening as competition increased and brands need to differentiate themselves to attract attention - Paolo 65 months ago
STing always seemed fake to me. - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

We are bombarded by advertising and become blasé about it. Something that engages us needs to have a compelling story in order to take it beyond the norm.

David Cottrell
59 months ago

Have some input?