Disruptive business model for consumer-facing Action Search services in the Precision Medicine space?


The WW TAM for Precision Medicine is projected to be $96B, growing at 10%+ CAGR by 2024. Yet searching online for Precision Medicine diagnosis or treatment, and acting upon the options is a time-consuming, frustrating, and potentially costly experience. Weeding through the sheer volume of information from a Google search is overwhelming without expert help. There is too-much-information (TMI) and it is typically a waste of time and effort. Additionally, the relevance and reliability of this information are subject to distortion by Search Engine Optimization (SEO); and vulnerability of search algorithms to fraudulent exploitation has been shown to cause harm.

What business models could work for a consumer facing, action search service that would 'harvest' Precision Medicine information and new discovery.

Precision Medicine
Action Oriented
Search Engine Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Consumer Products
Business Model Innovation
Business Model Development
Ron Ribitzky
75 months ago

1 answer


Sorry for maybe an obvious question - can you define what an "Action Search" service is? I am not familiar with that phrase.

Gary Desjardins
75 months ago
In "Action Search' service I mean delivering User Experience (UX) that returns search results along with "what can I do about it" -- tied to 'how do I know it [i.e. the action I took] works" . The "I' here is to say there's progressively / reiterative AI ==> ML ==> DL companion service that would make this UX relevant, trusted, and delightful. - Ron 75 months ago

Have some input?