Gary Desjardins
Talks (3)
Strategy and Product Positioning Manager, Life Insurance Solutions
Forging Strategic Partnerships for Competitive Advantage - FasterCapital
Industry Reports | Choose From 100s of Global Industries
Over Selling In Sales - FasterCapital
6-Step Go-To-Market Strategy (Framework From a Successful Founder)
Top 3 Predictions for the Retail Sector in 2024 - Indian Retailer
68 E-Commerce Companies Advancing Online Retail | Built In
What are the most effective strategies for promoting a product brand? | 4 Answers from Research papers
How Virtual Reality Can Help Increase the Conversion Ratio of Your E-Commerce App?
What are the key trends and developments in e-commerce literature review? | 5 Answers from Research papers
CEO Ann Mukherjee of Pernod Ricard North America on back-to-office idea: Workers must return 'with purpose' | Fox Business
Digital transformation impact and benefit in customer experience
Advantages and Challenges of Wind Energy | Department of Energy
Pitches (0)
Panels (106)
Healthcare in Space: Exploring New Solutions and Expectations
Gary Desjardins
group 3
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Chrisane Giard
Yessica Gonzalez
Jagdeep S Sethi

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