What are the disruptive technologies in the supply chain


Need to know the latest disruptive technologies for the supply chain.

Supply Chain Management
Strategic Planning
Trends analysis
Anand V
76 months ago

4 answers


I think there are a lot. In recent years a lot of new things are introduced and a lot of things have become better. In my opinion, following are quite a few - 

Robots were always there in the supply chain in one way or the other. But in recent days with AI algorithms, data analysis and powerful sensors have taken this to a next level. 

Enough has said about Blockchain and supply chain. If you google Blockchain and Supply Chain, you can find a lot of information. However, I don`t know if there is any revolutionary use case has emerged in the supply chain using blockchain. (Though people from all the major business areas are doing research on blockchain for their good, so far Bitcoin is the only revolution of blockchain).

Artifical Intelligence
Though I have covered this thing in Robotics, but AI as an independent tool is doing much more. With machine learning and strong algorithms, a lot of use cases can be tested. I think Amazon is doing some serious work on AI enabled products. 

Hope that helps.

Hitesh Mathpal
76 months ago

If one of the definitions of block chain as being;

“The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.”

The key words here are transactions and virtually everything of value.

If one sees blockchain as being an integral part of a supply chain then logistics automatically comes to mind. Logistical tracking of product and its data from blockchain technology coupled with AI that acts on this data could be the next big wave for supply chains. However having a blockchain uncorrupted data structure and good AI algorithms to act on the data leaves out a critical piece of the puzzle.

Somehow the data has to get from the physical items being tracked to receptors that channel information to blockchain data structures. It implies that a) all products have the capability to give up their logistic information readily, and, B) there are receptors everywhere to capture the information this is being broadcast. We have successful examples of this in our barcode, RFID, bluetooth, technologies and the pressure for product packaging to enable this "broadcast" of information will continue as more and more uses or blockchain are employed.

Shayne O'Neill
76 months ago

IoT, big data and machine learning could lead to a tremendous impact on inventory and warehousing. Information on transportation will support analysts in having a visibility on the on time delivery.
Blockchain eliminates intermediary, helps to reduce costs and increases security and the speed in data transmission.
For example DHL applied innovative supply chains solutions using big data and analytics (e.g. address food management and waste in airports).

Paolo Beffagnotti
76 months ago

Disrupting Supply Chains takes a significant effort, and I've seen only 2 elements create disruption - labor costs and fuel costs. The rate of increase (or decrease) in either drives the need to adopt technology. The technology is chosen from a very broad catalog of proven practices, or iterations of proven cases.
Many warehouses still do not have an adequate WMS, many transport fleets do not have optimized planning. Perhaps if these fundamental technologies were implemented, THIS would create the disruption....

Matthew Theocharous
76 months ago

Have some input?