Best course in your college life


What was the one single course in your college life (bachelor, master, and doctoral levels) that you enjoyed the most?

College Teaching
Graduate Education
Students success
Bachelor's Degree
Masters degree
Ali Qudrat
59 months ago

6 answers


At masters level, I had a course "Systesm Thinking for managment" a great course. In fact, my doctoral education was motivated by this course. Thanks to my teacher who made it an interesting course.

Hassan Qudrat-Ullah
59 months ago
Thank You Hassan Qudrat-Ullah This is what lead to my path as well. I am a Electrical Engineer and went on to do Mechatronics Masters degree hoping I will better understand systems. But that was not enough until you introduced me Complexity. I went on to do my PhD on complexity and that really changed my systems thinking and entire leadership style. - Anu 59 months ago
I am delighted to see that systems thinking is helpful to you, Anu Rathninde. - Hassan 59 months ago

For me there was a philosophy course, I can't remeber the exact name but still I use its useful insights in my life.

Bo Chen
59 months ago

For me it was "Theory of computation" and "management information systems". These two courses helped me think more logically towards the real world problems.

Hitesh Mathpal
59 months ago

OPearions Management, did provide some insights that work even today in my work.

Wasim Safdar
59 months ago
You mean, "Operations Managment", Wasim Safdar? - Hassan 59 months ago

For me, "dynamics of energy managment" that still helps me.

Imane B
59 months ago

Re: papa's games

If you know a useful course please recommend it to me

Liso Ponsa
2 months ago

Have some input?