Do you say YES more often than you say NO?


YES or NO!

I'm an introvert, so my default answer to invitations has usually been no.

But, no matter how tired or busy I was, being a couch potato wasn't serving me well.

So, I changed. What about you?

Do you say YES more than you say NO?

Introvert Leadership Development
Personality Assessment
Dr. David E. M
64 months ago

2 answers


I use to say yes first more often only to please others, Then I started to want to please myself, so I now give it a good thought first, and then decide. Most of the time I now say no, not because I am shy, but because I truly rather do something else that makes me happy.

JoAnn Pinkney Wilcox Cert. Digital Accessibility Expert
56 months ago

I say "Yes And" in a brainstorm format or setting. But when it comes to strategic decisions, I like to do a quick cost/benefit analysis, leverage data and competitive intel when possible; then arrive at a decision which is often "No" - because of potential opportunity cost. As we all know, when you say "Yes" to one thing, you have to weigh the risk of spending that time and sacrificing something else that could generate revenue in the short-term or the long-term. So definitely depends on the situation and the opportunity. But in a brainstorm setting, I believe in "Yes And" approach to generate collaboration and positivity -- hopefully leading to a solution and good ideas. Great question!

Morgan Barclay
54 months ago

Have some input?