Do Doctors Need New Business -OR- Medical Skills, Today?


TThe Times are Changing in …. 2015 and

Today, physicians need new skills to be successful, and reduce liability risks while improving care delivery at lower costs.

In order to balance their obligations to both individual patients and to larger groups, physicians now must become more than competent clinicians.

So, do doctors need new Medical or Business Skills?

Business Strategy
Medical Education
Dr. David E. M
64 months ago

1 answer


Like other professionals, improving existing skills and acquiring new skills, doctors need to do the same. With the rapid growth in consumer technology and marketing ideas, if you are not on time with the trends, its dangerous for you whether you are a doctor or any other professional. And sometimes, if you are aware of trends, you can be an early adapter and can outshine your business. 

Hitesh Mathpal
64 months ago
REALLY - what trends with TPAs? - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

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