internal rate


What is the internal rate of return?

Rochelle raquel
83 months ago

2 answers


This is like asking "How much will the house cost?" Which house? Ranch? Two-story colonial? Finished basement? Granite countertops? Wine celler?
There are two many unknowns in the question to nail down a rate of return. I've seen anywhere from .02 % to 24% in my direct marketing career.

Brent Green | Generational Marketing | Speaker
83 months ago

Are you looking for a definition? Check out Investopedia.
In simplest terms, it is a metric that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows from a particular project equal to zero. IRR calculations rely on the same formula as NPV does.
What is your context?

Michael Shmarak
83 months ago

Have some input?