Does Health Information Technology and Digital Health FAIL WOMEN?


What up with FEM-TECH?

Most apps. devices and health wearables were probably designed and developed by men, and most likely not consulted by future users. For example: 

  • The majority of period tracker apps fail women.
  • What's more, fitness trackers and wearables fail pregnant women terribly.

Scientifically, have you ever even looked around at the women’s health and “femtech” market and found that digital health technology has yet to live up to female expectations?.

Currently - The area is under-researched, underfunded and not understood.

So - Does Health Information and Digital Technology REALLY FAIL WOMEN?

Women's Health
Digital Health
Dr. David E. M
63 months ago

1 answer


That’s a very interesting point and probably true. There are not great apps or wearables designed for women ( Period tracking apps are sometime just calculators). The reason of failure may be the product owners are not women.

I think tere is a huge opportunity if someone can address its right. Apps for women only or wearable for women only can be a successful bet.

Hitesh Mathpal
63 months ago
AGREE = Just look at the numbers! Only about 15% of tech roles at Twitter are occupied by women, and that number is slightly better at Facebook (17%), Google (19%), Microsoft (18%) or eBay (24%). Fitbit increased board diversity by adding two female directors after an outcry that it targets women with its products without having a single one as a board member. - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
Many thanks = Any other thoughts? - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
Lack of women numbers in leadership is an issue for sure. But also in product design and product ownership- a women mindset is missing. When they make a wearable for women ( that’s what they claim) they just make the exterior pink or more beautiful. However the algos never change. - Hitesh 63 months ago
Unfortunately you may be true in some cases - Dr. David E. 63 months ago

Have some input?