ACES Vehicles are crossing the chasm


Who will be the winners and losers as ACES Vehicles become mainstream?
Autonomous, Connected, Electric, Shared

Electric Vehicles
Autonomous Vehicles
Connected Cars
sharing economy
Dr Neil Williams
66 months ago

1 answer


Lawyers will be the big winners initially. There is far too much distracted driving today. 1 of 4 accidents are caused by cell phone distraction. Connected cars is a dumb and unsafe idea. The technology has a number of really good benefits and will mature but for the early stages of this technology it will only cause people to be more distracted.

Think of airplane autopilots. It's a great tool because much of flying is tedious. Auto-pilot relieves pilots of the routine tasks but they are in control and skilled. They have continuous training. Pilots don't need the autopilot, it's just nice to have. (Like engineers don't need calculators, they are just nice for routine stuff).

I believe too many people will view the connected / self driving car as a butler who does everything for them so they can be distracted. Rather than as a tool to do routine things that they are well skilled at.

Ben Levitan
66 months ago
Thanks Ben Levitan. You’ve covered Autonomous & Connected and made some very good points. Do you have ideas & opinions around electrification and sharing? - - Dr Neil 66 months ago

Have some input?