Seeking to know your opinion on how effectively we can promote and implement the concept of Circular Economy


If we assume the following main players to promote and implement CE, how would you rank them (please add to the list if any important player was missed)?
-Government, regulations, policies, infrastructures, and incentives
-Manufacturers sustainability and recycling programs and strategies
-Consumers behavior and behavioral changes
-Available recycling technologies, effectiveness and affordability

Circular Economy
Recycling Technology
Hamid Karbasi
76 months ago

2 answers


We cannot build a circular economy on linear finance.

We cannot change the world without also changing the way we finance change.

Tim MacDonald
76 months ago
Good point Tim! Recently, a MSW processing company that I know has noticed this and is looking for a solution. - Hamid 76 months ago

I am not convinced yet that circular economy actually addresses the root cause of our issues and actually does provide solutions that are beneficial.
It is certainly a move in the right direction but dominated by 'greentech' solutions that reduce the vitality of natural systems. We have much to do to move beyond our misplaced reliance on technology.
I am not a luddite - but I know full well that the paradigm that created our problems is behind many of the solutions that provide life saving fads for us to commercialise. The shortage of water in Cape Town is the canary in the cage - Desalination is a distraction!

As for the ranking - all af the above need to be engaged! in their own unique way!


Christopher Cooke
76 months ago
Thank you Chris for the answer. I've never thought about it this way! Perhaps, I'm biased as a person with background in technology. However, in this day and age and in the verge of 4th industrial revolution it sounds like a more conscientious remedy! - Hamid 76 months ago

Have some input?