Tech Interview Prep


Technical Interview Preparation can be a mammoth task. How do you recommend going about it?

Software Engineering
Interview Preparation
Technical Recruiting
Aishwarya C
76 months ago

1 answer


Technical interview for what - 
1. You as an interviewer to hire a candidate 
2. You as a candidate to get hired
3. You as a vendor/customer for a pre-sales meeting
4. You as a researcher for some assignment / project
Everything has a different objective and hence a different strategy. Please explain more. 

Hitesh Mathpal
76 months ago
Good points Hitesh. To reply to your point 1 I would check in the candidate has any information about the company (are you really interested?), Then I will go through candidate and role specific questions. Usually open questions to let the candidate speaking, the idea is to challenge him/her and follow the thinking process up to the end. - Paolo 76 months ago
I would also add that it depends on where the candidate is coming from and what they are being hired for. Do they need to be able to architect solutions, or simply implement them? Are they coming from industry, or academia? How long have they been in the job? etc. Cookie-cutter interview processes tend not to work well for either side, so as Hitesh mentioned, more specificity is needed here. - Paul 76 months ago
Good addition Paolo and Paul. Thanks ! - Hitesh 76 months ago

Have some input?