How to cope with exponential change?


In exponentially changing times how do you make sure that employees and customers come along the journey knowing that the road map is changing constantly?

Change Management
Consumer Insight
Change Leadership
Change Agent
Prashanth Kumar
76 months ago

5 answers


That is a complex thing but I believe its doable. I think few old basics remains the same here as well - 
1. Communication
2. Transparency 
3. Engagement 
In my opinion, one thing is important to know that customer and employee also follow the change that is easy and trendy. And if your roadmap is aligned with the trends, you win the first round. Next is how easy you communicate this to your team/customers. 

Banking is a classic example of this. If you observe private banks they have changed the way they used to work at least 10 years back ( I am quoting the examples mostly of North America). And these changes helped pretty well for their business, especially retail banking. Also, understanding the trend and audience is very important. The other day I was talking to a senior bank executive and she told me that they want their retail centers to operate like Apple stores or other such stores. These stores are trendy, the user experience is easy and above all people know how to operate there.  

Hitesh Mathpal
76 months ago

I use a 3 point model for this:

  • teach people to redraw the map with you - to see (re)mapping as a regular activity. It helps to have a simple, common decision making/problem solving process for this, so people can focus on content and not argue about process
  • remember that people see things differently, and that communication is not about telling people stuff, its about them making sense and understanding it. So slide decks do little to help with that - you need conversation where people can debate and discuss. Which goes back to point 1.
  • accept that because of differences people will progress in their understanding and engagement at different rates. Support them in that process, but also make it clear it is their process - you can't make it comfortable for them, but you can help them do it for themselves
Alan A
76 months ago

I agree w/ what was stated above. It begins w/ trust and transparency. People will naturally start to assume and come to their own conclusions when they are lacking information - this can lead to disengaged employees/teams and lack of productivity. This can be countered by being upfront and communicating in a timely fashion. Change is inevitable - I don't believe that is the issue. The issue is how change is managed and in my experience, it is usually handled poorly leaving the majority to second-guess and jump to conclusions.

Cristina Marinucci
76 months ago

The only thing that is permanent is change, customers and employees should understand this, to keep them along that journey all you need is for them to trust you.

Chris Allen
76 months ago

If you try to keep up with all of the changes you will not only be overwhelmed but you will fail. The key is to have a deep understanding of your values and goals and to review them everyday. This will give you clarity on how to quickly separate what is relevant to your mission from distractions. When you have deep clarity on your values and goals you will say no to things much quicker and say yes to things that align with your mission. A great book on how to get more clarity around your values and life's purpose is "The Values Factor". It helps you separate societal norms from what truly inspires you allowing you to be hyper focused on your mission and shield yourself from all other noise.

Nick McMahon
75 months ago

Have some input?