Lubricant products/formulations


To me this "panel" is more focused on developing new products and/or formulations. Should the marketing aspect not be included in the discussions? No new product without a market for it!

Thomas Eichler
76 months ago

4 answers


Thomas, isn't it obvious that only developing products does not make any sense, unless there is a market requirement, if we consider in business aspect. Therefore, in my opinion indirectly marketing is already a part of of discussion of the panel, we don't need mention it separately. Hope this clarifies your query.

Samares B
76 months ago
Thnaks for the comment Samares. You won't believe how often products are developed without checking the need for it first. Fully agree that both, developping and marketing should be done simultanisly - Thomas 76 months ago

Marketing aspect can be included, but focus on new materials/formulations and products should still be maintained.

Jianrong Feng
76 months ago

Thomas Eichler
76 months ago
Marketing must be included, but I agree with you, development should be main focus - Thomas 76 months ago

The market (not marketing!) must be included; however the QEM/equipment first, then the need to develop a suitable lubricant (at the equipment design/development phase) which encompasses the formulation and blending.

Emmanuel Ekpenyong
76 months ago

Have some input?