Blockchain Technology changing banking


Curious to know how exactly blockchain technology will change the banking world. How will the technology be integrated? What's the potential outcome?

Garrick Bradley II, CPA
79 months ago

1 answer


I think that blockchain technology is more than likely to do banking world what internet did to media, by not only integrating very different customer needs within a holistic infrastructure but also by re-defining corporate roles and responsibilities of individual bankers/banks at the superstructure level. Namely, the banks and bankers of the future will be in need of having more than a grasp of technological issues; full comprehension of technology will be a prerequisite for them and blockchain is far from being an exception to this. At this juncture, as a professional consultant working on GDPR projects here in the UK, let me highlight the emphasis data protection deserves. Speaking of data protection, I believe that one distinct outcome of blockchain technology will be transforming the register, algorithm, classification, maintenance and safe-guarding of customer records.

Gokhan Gokceoglu
79 months ago

Have some input?