Is New Technology Dangerous?


We are hearing a lot of scenarios around the world where people and experts are talking about new technology, new inventions like AI, IoT, Robotics etc as a dangerous means for the world as it is being used by various elements for their good. Everyone is using technology for monetary gains and have got ill thoughts behind it. Governments are not far away, they are also using AI and various other applications and apps, to track and keep close eye on their Citizens. People have lost trust and faith in new technology and at the same time are sacred of using various Apps, and applications fearing of data and privacy theft or being tracked.
So, how can we gain public trust back or have we lost that for Good?

Artificial Intelligence
New Technology Implementation
Government Relations
Technological Innovation
Technology Integration
Artificial Insemination
Government Contracting
IoT Security
IoT Strategy
Masarrat A Shah
51 months ago

5 answers


The fact that regulations like GDPR or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) are seen to be necessary definitely demonstrates that businesses and governments have lost the public trust. Whether that loss is permanent or not depends entirely on how we choose to respond to the loss.

On the one hand, businesses can start doing the right things for the right reasons right now, and in time the public will come around (just as they did with banks after the 1929 crash, not to mention the savings and loans debacle in the 1980s). That's the safest way to regain that trust.

Less safe is for businesses to get on top of the psychology behind the public mistrust and start to manipulate the markets into trusting businesses again. This is risky, because loss of trust will be permanent if the manipulation becomes obvious to the public. And it probably would come to light in this day and age.

One thing that does need to happen is for businesses to start being more honest about their ability to protect consumer privacy. When people find their data is being streamed into other businesses or governments, they get cranky. On the other hand, if businesses stopped pretending they can fully protect personal data and if they helped the general public to understand that today's technology landscape doesn't afford anybody a true expectation of privacy, the public will find trust easier to navigate by the simple virtue of not being lied to.

William Wilkins
51 months ago
William Wilkins, thanks for for insight and do agree with you, take example of Apple (iPhone), we know people prefer this brand because of Security and Privacy assurance, but there is a gloomy cloud on this brand also since it was revealed that China has corrupted these phones also and there is a software installed which tracks the owner, So, where should we draw a line, - Masarrat A 51 months ago
I agree William, The privacy and security of the iPhone need to be investigated and then resolved. - Diane 51 months ago

Interesting question. If new technology is not tested enough then yes it can be dangerous. Is it the newness that scares people or is it the actual technology or is it a mixture of both. Change is difficult for most people. With the latest technology and not knowing who has access to all of the data that is where I get nervous - who is using it and how are they using it.

Cristen Taylor, MBA
51 months ago
Cristen Taylor, MBA, right we are not aware at all who is using our data and where is it going. I can say majoyrly it is the new technology, like AI, Face recongnition, Bio-Metric Payment all is scaring people and is becoming discussion point. I am not sure if the new policies related to security like GDPR is working yes or no. - Masarrat A 51 months ago

Masarrat A Shah I'm not sure your assertions are entirely accurate. Has the public, enmasse, really lost trust? You'd think if that was true then a lot more people would taking much more strong action. Or perhaps the real issue is that trust is not necessary. Afterall, how many people trust their banks, or their politicians, yet we continue to surrender ourselves to their domination.

I don't think technology, per se, is the issue here, I think it is more about the breakdown of social values. Technology, for the most part, on its own is neither good nor bad. That moral judgement applies when we consider how the technology is being used and compare that to the values we purport to uphold. We could readily get the tech companies to stop sharing our data but, then we would have to be prepared to pay for all the benefits we currently get from them in exchange for surrendering our data. That sort of change, as Cristen Taylor, MBA pointed out, is really, really, hard.

I don't think Apple has ever been any better than any other company in this space, they are just better at distracting their customers from these issues. Similarly, the difference between China and the USA is that China tell us they are spying while the USA lie through their teeth while they are doing it.

Our choice is to live in fear, or accept the modus operandi and live with it, or choose a better model based on the values we hold most dear and then insist on regulatory and business changes to enforce that model. This is the tension between social values and the American free-to-make-a-profit-at-any-cost model. I want the former to rule but, experience says the latter will continue to win out because people in power are motivated more by greed and self-interest than social good.

Jordan Green
51 months ago
Jordan Green, I know what you are saying, we as people surrendering to the System, whether Government or any other institution. It used to happen earlier alsobut not at this scale where your whole privacy is on stake and you don't have any option to question this system. And I don't see any action to be taken by anyone and because of this everyone who is getting share of this pie is exploting. - Masarrat A 51 months ago
Jordan Green, Masarrat A Shah is right on this topic, IMHO. While technology itself may be morally neutral, humans who use the tech are not; thus it is fair to say that the tech enables the poor behaviors on the business and the consumer sides. We aren't given a lot of choices when tech breaks into our personal lives. Do you know, for example, of any banks which don't use modern tech? I don't. - William 51 months ago
William Wilkins, to be clear, I didn't disagree with Masarrat A Shah, only addressed a more nuanced approach to the topic. We have quite a lot of choices but, they require brave and collective action. It is not whether a bank, for example, is using technology, rather what sort of abuse of ourselves we are willing to tolerate. Banks are not inherently bad, as technology is not inherently bad. - Jordan 51 months ago

I would argue that assumptions claiming "everyone" is using new technology for monetary gains or for illicit and uncouth means is a broad overstatement of a fraction of use cases. New technologies are spawned from creative solutions to problems or challenges people face. For the most part new tech advances are driven by entrepreneurial minded people with a sincere desire to help others.
Where I do agree with your concern relating to new technology's misuse is in the breadth of data collection and the lack of true understanding of these collection, storage and sharing practices. Some national and international legislation such as GDPR have helped to bring awareness and corporate accountability to the industry it is insufficient for true protection. There is a dire and ever increasing need for both consumer education and corporate data accountability legislation.
In the immediate future, companies that are bringing new tech to the market can benefit by designing the product and their business to specifically address data security, transparency and protection assurances. These would be viewed by consumers as value add, trust enhancements or differentiation in crowded fields.

Oren Birks, MBA
51 months ago
Oren Birks, MBA, I agree with your thought that "the new innovation is brought up to help the society and make new ways easier and efficient". However, what I majorly am concerned about is that there are elements in our society who see where can we exploit this technology for ill uses and mainly Governments are main culprits and they are using people and killing the real democracy. - Masarrat A 51 months ago
Government data collection has been necessary since the earliest forms of government. Leaders must know about the conditions impacting the citizens, therefore information must be collected. The act of collecting data is innocuous; the perceived misuse of the data is a fear that has always existed. Democratic societies can require more transparency on the data use from their governments. - Oren 51 months ago
Agree - Masarrat A 51 months ago

New technologies, in my opinion, if designed with privacy by default and by design, will reduce new risks to that technology. The push to put new products into market without security is how and why we have catastrophic cyber events.
The simplicity of introducing privacy and data protection in the SLDC process will enhance and enforce the power of the new technologies.

Timothy Smit
50 months ago
Timothy Smit, question is are companies doing it. if some are, but how about the organizations who are taking advantage of this whole technology. That is the worry. - Masarrat A 49 months ago
If the organizations are in the EU, they are. Its the US and other geographic locations that need to adhere to these best practices. I agree with you on the concern of organizations taking advantage of the technology today. - Timothy 49 months ago
agree - Masarrat A 49 months ago

Have some input?