Can we reclassify CEO as Customer Experience Officer?


In a hypercompetitive business environment with fragile customer loyalties, a CEO's energies are increasingly getting diverted to the most important function/business thrive necessity>> Customer Delight. If he can channelise processes, people & strategies to meet this one goal, everything else will automatically be aligned to better profitability, social acceptability and long term sustainability. Irrespective of his/her background, a CEO is today focused on consistently scaling up Customer Experience outcomes. across different touchpoints with proactive innovations and bench-marked best practices.

Innovation Management
CEO Succession
CEO Coaching
CEO Leadership
Process Optimization
External Relationships
Customer Experience
Customer Relationship Management (CRM))Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer Insight
Customer Retention
Anshumali Saxena
54 months ago

1 answer


I disagree. For a few reasons:

  1. Introduces confusion among customers (which kind of "CEO" does this vendor have?)
  2. Too many traditional CEOs have no understanding of CX; they would make poor CX leaders
  3. Playing with the role and responsibilities (or even just the traditional title) weakens that role -- a role which CX doesn't mitigate or replace

I struggle to think through any outcome where this idea goes as well in real life as it should on paper.

William Wilkins
54 months ago
Managing day to day operations (manufacturing/production, employee adminsitration etc is best left to COO, while the key growth drivers marketing, sales, and customer experience enhacement/delight is best left to the CEO. A CEO's prime role is to ensure that business keeps galloping forward and outguns competition and stays market relevant at all times. Thus CEO's primarily focuses on superior CX - Anshumali 54 months ago

Have some input?