Systems thinking teaching in our high school?


Why is systems thinking not taught in our high schools?

Systems Thinking
Systems Management
HIgh School
High school education
Imane B
56 months ago

4 answers


I think some schools do teach it but it needs a trained pool of teachers first.

Tahir Iqbal
56 months ago

I believe it should be a mandatory course for upper years of high school students.

Ali Qudrat
56 months ago

Interesting question. In the case of sports and coaching development, we often talk about helping athletes become athletes FIRST, and then players in whatever sport they've chosen. As it relates to the sport itself, then athletes are taught the basic skills necessary to be successful in ANY system. From a developmental perspective, there are very specific windows of opportunity for training. Therefore, the content of that training becomes very age specific. The same is true of mental capacity although it can happen at a very rapid pace (much more so than current educational approaches allow). Still, in the case of development, there are certain basic parameters that need to be covered first. Early childhood development becomes infinitely important. Need to help parents with what is needed and resources at very early stages in life. This will set up the basis for the child to be able to study, learn, comprehend a variety of information. After that, we need more encouragement toward independent and group exploration - something current curricula does not necessarily do a great job at. Finally, the young adult will become more able to understand relationships between and among things - or systems thinking. Unfortunately, in the US, we are too focused on standardized tests to really break open the natural ability of humans to learn. Lots of changes are needed to maximize the abilities of our youth.

Luis Vargas
56 months ago
Well said, Luis Vargas. - Bo 56 months ago
I agree that we have rigid school systems that hardly allow such a needed change in curricula for our students. Ali Qudrat, I don;t think it will become a mandatory course ever in the US schools. - Ali 56 months ago

People need systems thinking now more than ever before. Now concerns about global warming and climate change are becoming mainstream decisions for all business organizations, knowing how our actions impact other systems is important. I am for systems thinking education at the K-12 level across the globe. 

Hassan Qudrat-Ullah
56 months ago

Have some input?