Advance Care Planning


What creative strategies are you using to encourage patients/clients to address the issue of identifying a healthcare surrogate and completing an advance directive?

Advance Care Planning
Advance Directives
judith sands
57 months ago

3 answers


Although not innovative, the best way to encourage patients to execute a planned healthcare directive is to foster a meaningful conversation with them about what happens when they lack capacity. How will their voice be heard if they cannot speak for themselves. When skilled personnel have the dialogue with the patient/family, we find greater uptake in completion of this important paperwork.

Anne Tanner
57 months ago
No doubt the skill & ability of the provider engaging in the conversation to effectively motivate completion of the AD. Thanks - judith 57 months ago

Give examples and show videos of circumstances of people who did not address advance care planning when they had the chance to.

Andrea Roberts
57 months ago
Great idea. Failure to document your wishes obviously can come back to haunt you and at that point you may not have the ability to express your wishes. - judith 57 months ago

Taking the conversation from an ambiguous idea to an action based focus always helped me when I was doing field work. Totally agree with Anne that the person having this conversation needs to fully understand it themselves in order to authentically explain Advance Directive options and promote engagement. My experience was that even those who stated they had one in place, many times didn't know where it was or how to locate it (attorney, safety deposit box, safe). I would ask those that had one to produce a copy, educate those that didn't to assess if they would be open to executing one. When the AD was completed, we would agree to place it in an envelope, along with a current medication list, and attach it to the fridge for retrieval ease in case they ever had to go to ER or hospital.

Lori Williams
57 months ago
Thanks for your comments. You are so right about the fact that the documents need to be readily available/accessible. . - judith 57 months ago

Have some input?