Facebook - Cambridge analytica


Facebook was fine by the Federal Trade Commission with $5B because of its role in allowing Cambridge Analytica to collect millions of users' data without their consent. The fine is less than a tenth of Facebook's yearly revenue. Furthermore Facebook will be required to set an independent privacy commission and evaluate new solutions from a privacy standpoint.
How will this change the behaviour of Facebook and other big companies? Any thought?

Federal Law
Paolo Beffagnotti
58 months ago

1 answer


Facebook is a genius level algorithm based on human desire for validation and belonging and interaction.

Their behaviors reflect the alg that drives them, IMHO.

Facebook could open a school or support one that is already functioning that opposes the anti-secrecy...like "Transparent Human Interactions" "Genuine Behavioral Aspects" and " How to tell a Facebook Hustler from a Facebook Dork."

Last, I wonder what the Facebook 4D team looks like.

Do they know they are dabbling in 4D?

Do they really think that Facebook is the only aspect of 4D?

Do they really think they've taken any kind of 4D precautions?

So, we have impulse drive being modified by impulse analysis.

Blame the Victim.

58 months ago

Have some input?