Rented Car Experience


How is your experience on rental cars like zoom cars,diverzy cars ?

  • Overall condition of car.
  • How clean it was?
  • Did they charged any extra money?
  • Fuel was included or not.
  • How was customer support.
  • Did you take any roadside assistance?
  • Which company is your preferable in self driven car business and why?

Drive Test
Road Traffic
Road Safety
Automobile Industry
Automobile Accidents
Er. B
63 months ago

3 answers


My experience is good so far with rental cars. But can you be more specific with your objective of question here ?

Hitesh Mathpal
63 months ago
Renat cars OR car share? - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
Thanks for your suggestion .. definitely - Er. 63 months ago
It was not a suggestion - it was a question - an interrogative - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
TURO - ZIPCAR, etc: - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
As I mentioned above it is for rented one.please answer accordingly. Thank you. - Er. 63 months ago
Rental car solve your instant travel comfortably .. - J N Das 63 months ago
Different travel agents and individual are taking it as business to give vehicle on rent and earning their Livelihood. - Er. Jangyadutta 63 months ago
Well said - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
Well, I like "Enterprise" as a rental car provider. But it would be great if you share the context and region from where you are asking the question. Its completely different in North America. People use "Zip Car" too. You rent the car, you drive and you drop the car to the next Zip Location. I like that. - Hitesh 63 months ago
I have used Enterprise. I liked the service and they have neat cars. - Maya 63 months ago
I too have used Enterprise. I liked the service - pick up delivery - and they have neat cars. Upgraded me, as well - Dr. David E. 63 months ago

If you own a car it will be necessary to spend a good amount to purchase if you have capacity. If you have need to use car and capacity to pay a driver and pay for maintenance. But when you have no regular need of car then rental car for instant use is comfortable economical and timely right decision.

J N Das
63 months ago
The precise reason to rent and use as needed ride share - Dr. David E. 63 months ago

Taking vehicle on rent and giving vehicle on rent is now business. Now different companies are taking it as benefits to reduce expenditure by taking vehicles on rent for long periods. Uber and olla like company are now taking importance by giving vehicle on rent as per need of customers at any time in different cities. It very convenient and better service.

Er. Jangyadutta D
63 months ago
UBER and LYFT make NO PROFIT and are financialy in the RED=not good- - Dr. David E. 63 months ago

Have some input?