What DRUG is the next OPIOID Crisis?


The Next-Gen Drug Abuse Crisis?

QUESTION: What is the next opioid or drug crisis in the USA?

Drug Discovery
Pharmaceutical Industry
Addiction Recovery
Dr. David E. M
64 months ago

3 answers


Definition of Opioid (Overdose) Crisis: The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relieversheroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl—is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. (https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/opioids/opioid-overdose-crisis)

David, I am not sure what you mean this question. Next-Gen Drug or Next-Gen Crisis?

Weihong Lai, MD, PhD, MMCi
64 months ago
Rx ABUSE = after opioids. - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

Nerve pain medicines

Prescriptions for nerve pain medicines like gabapentin (Neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica) have more than tripled in recent years, driven by increased use among chronically ill older adults and patients already taking opioids, a U.S. study suggests.

The proportion of US adults prescribed gabapentin and other drugs in the same family of medicines climbed from 1.2% in 2002 to 3.9% by 2015, a period that also saw a surge in opioid overdoses and deaths.

Any thoughts on what is next?

Dr. David E. M
64 months ago
Pretty obvious, from a healthcare or non-healthcare perspective, that marijuana and CBD derivatives will be driving a lot of healthcare policy decisions in the coming months and years. Medical marijuana, will all states create more lenient rules and regulations? Recreational use of CBD derivatives, will states permit en masse? And will use of CBD derivatives replace opioids for chronic pain? YES! - Sam 64 months ago
Sorry- not pretty obvious at all. - Dr. David E. 64 months ago
OK, but the surge in AEDs for chronic pain is not just marketing but a way to avoid propagating the overuse of opioids. I do not see other effective drug choices available, so CBD derivatives are on the rise. - Sam 64 months ago
PAIN = Pain thresholds have been dummied down - Dr. David E. 64 months ago


The drug class, known as gabapentinoids, includes gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant) and pregabalin.

“Nearly 1 in 25 adults takes a gabapentinoid during a year, which matters because we have little data to support much use of this drug class and minimal data to support the long-term safety of the medications,”

- Dr. Michael Johansen of the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine at Ohio University in Athens.

Dr. David E. M
64 months ago

Have some input?