What is the company culture and which is its impact?


You could have companies engaging more with the employees or other ones with a more formal managment style. Google for example has an informal environment, banks work in a different way. Company culture helps to enjoy the time in the workplace, however you need to fit on the company culture or it will work on the opposite way.
What is your experience with the company culture? How do you learn about this? Zappos, Twitter, Nike, Facebook and Adobe are further interesting examples.

Company Culture
Employee Engagement
Employee Management
Management Style
Paolo Beffagnotti
64 months ago

1 answer


Company Culture

Company and Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that "contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization."

Dr. David E. M
64 months ago
And the other way around too - Paolo 64 months ago
Not so much - which came first? - Dr. David E. 64 months ago
Company culture - Paolo 64 months ago
Exactly my point. Thanks - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

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