Direct-to-consumer medical marketing spending increased over last eighteen years


Do you agree with the points mentioned here,
Is direct to consumer fundamental for the medical area too?

Direct to Consumer
Medical marketing
Paolo Beffagnotti
64 months ago

2 answers


Agreed. DTC medical marketing does increased over the last 18 years especially for dermatological condition where more people are more aware of the importance of skin condition and their psychological influences in the society. Thus, marketing in this specialty does indeed skyrocket over the past years!

Chun Wei
64 months ago
What you really mean is so called healthcare "stuff" - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

Medical marketing and DTC marketing hugely increased the spent during the last years, up to 29,9B and 9,6B respectively. DTC works!

Paolo Beffagnotti
64 months ago
Define "medical"? - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

Have some input?