Sales Automation


Sales automation is a powerful way that enhances sales representative’s productivity, increases sales rate and improves revenue. But like any other automation, But like any other automation it has some open questions too,

What level of automation can help in Sales? Do you think sales automation can replace or reduce human intervention in sales?

Sales Management
Sales Operations
Hitesh Mathpal
65 months ago

4 answers


Hi Hitesh,

Sales automation can be a powerful way to enhance sales productivity.

In the Modern-age you can pretty much automate any aspects of the sales approach process; marketing, prospecting, appointment setting.

The actual work of Sales Professionals, certainly in high-value, complex, selling is in the consultation.

It's proven tough to train 'bots to develop the bonding and rapport required to be seen as a trusted advisor. That requires credibility, reliability and intimacy.

In the transactional world of 'selling' (read transactional as 'Order Taking') then there is very little value offered by the human, perhaps a bit of re-assurance, but not much more.

In short, my opinion is No. Sales Automation cannot replace Human Intervention in high value, complex, sales environments.

It can help to start the conversation with your ideal prospect, but it can't have the conversation with your ideal prospect.

H2H technologies (Human-to-Human) will continue to prevail in the world of selling for as far into the future as the mind can conceive.

David Davies - Sandler Sales Management Trainer
65 months ago
Very well said David. I agree with you that sales automation is good more for tooling ( prospecting and appointments etc). But, the real sale needs human touch. - Hitesh 65 months ago
Perfect and well said - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
CRM for the crap stuff - Dr. David E. 63 months ago

I used to have a boss who told me I would eventually fire all of my sales team as selling 'would all be done on line'. Anyway, he got fired and we kept on building relationships and helping customers solve problems!

David Cottrell
63 months ago
Thats interesting. Thanks David. - Hitesh 63 months ago
Nice! Was your Boss from Marketing? - David 63 months ago
No, He was a division VP. - David 63 months ago

Sales Automation will improve in the transactional sales environment. Ad David Davies says, in a high value/consulting sales, it will not.

Flavio Calonge
63 months ago
CRM and automated sales are for trinkets and mere products - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
Consultative sales for cognitive services and deeper expensiove products requires real knowledge - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
Where Human Interaction is a luxury, not a neccessity, I can see it having an impact. - David 63 months ago
Present for decades - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
Human Interaction = For the important stuff - Dr. David E. 63 months ago

Sales automation is usually used in CRM automation such as tasks management etc. Now we see email automation, outbound call automation etc.
I think more automation makes sale mechanical that is not good and can turn into spam.

Maya Kharkwal MA, BEd
63 months ago
Did you say spam? ,,, SPAM! ,,, SPAMMERS? - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
That's good. - Hitesh 63 months ago
Thanks = LOL - Dr. David E. 63 months ago
Transactional Selling/Order Taking really doesn't need much in the way of human interaction. Order Takers begin to believe that they are actually Sales People, which has long been a dangerous misassumption in the world of Professional Sales. - David 63 months ago
Agree completely - Dr. David E. 63 months ago

Have some input?