Social media - how can we separate out political impact from business impact?


Social media is both a blessing and a scourge. Politial impacts can disrupt businesses in mostly negative ways. What can we do to separate out the political impacts from the business impacts? Will it require regulation, which is politically implemented, or devise a rating system used to filter or highlight areas that need to be death with at a business level.

It used to be public relations could mount effective counter measures when needed to overcome negative views or false information concerning a company's people, products and services. Now the defensive posture seems not to counter any type of information viewed as negative, and proactive positive campaigns and reinforcement of good things is totally drowned out both in content and frequency.

What can be done?

Public Relations
Social Media
Public Opinion
Sandy Waters
65 months ago

1 answer


Social media - how can we separate out political impact from business impact?

Increasingly; one can not!

Dr. David E. M
64 months ago

Have some input?