Must-have components of a successful biopharma company of the future


Are a mixture of scalable business models and diversified product categories, personalized consumer focus, exposure to consumers both internationally and domestically, and ability to innovate and evolve exponentially among those all must-have components of a successful biopharma company of the future?

Business Model Innovation
Consumer Focus
Geographic Expansion
Diversification and growth
Inna Sheyn
65 months ago

1 answer


We live in a data driven world, with the advent of next generation sequencing technologies, biopharma researches have the ability to generate massive genome sequences on individual patients in faster cheaper and efficient manner. Furthermore, with parallel innovation in data analytics, pharma world has ability to process large scale genome sequencing information and expedite the process of drug discovery and shorten the time to market for delivery of new drugs. I'd say genomics and data analytics tools like AI is a must.

Venkatramana Pegadaraju
65 months ago
Suply oftern drives demand in this industry - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

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