Why SAP bought Qualtrics


Would love to hear why ERP company buys survey company...what does this signal to quantitative research companies?

Quantitative Research
Consumer Insights
Reasearch design
Market Research
Thomas O'Malley
66 months ago

2 answers


The leading ERP company buys a survey company because they understand the need for organizations, their clients, to become customer-focused to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) have raised customer expectations for B2C and B2B transactions whereby providers must meet those expectations or risk losing their customers, and business, to more agile product and service providers.

Companies must focus on making their customers lives simpler and easier and doing what's in the best interest of their customer.

C. Thomas (Tom) Smith, III
66 months ago

SAP believes they are a hub in organizations with contact information of all internal (employee) and external (customers, partners) stakeholders that can leverage that contact information to create content (data) for analysis. This is a relatively high growth SaaS business so a very logical place to expand - albeit they paid an extremely high price to take out what has been deemed the leader in the segment so remains to be seen if they can fully realize the vision and expected synergies.

Steve M
66 months ago
Interesting - Dr. David E. 64 months ago

Have some input?