Future status of Healthcare HR?


What is the role, if any, for the next-generation of EMRs.

HR Consulting
IT Management
Fringe Benefit Design and Contracting
Dr. David E. M
66 months ago

5 answers


Interoperability and full spectrum capabilities to connecting data for use by multiple stakeholders in real time decision making anywhere in the world.

Randy Vogenberg, PhD
66 months ago
Well said; but the number of hospitals, medical clinics, offices, health insurance plans and companies that still use the FAX machine is more than noteworthy - Dr. David E. 66 months ago

It is not uncommon for a health insurance company, or HIE, to call the office and say "fax" over the consent form, MRs, etc.

Dr. David E. M
66 months ago

Electronic Health Records and/or medical records within US healthcare delivery and delivery systems (urban, rural, regional, veteran, Native American) is crucial. Once able to overcome challenges of information security, interoperability, and ongoing provider adaptation to technology it may very well be [the] catalyst to healthcare transformation. Whether emerging SDoH or Personalized Healthcare without effective EHR and subsequent data predictive modeling, which is vital for managing total cost of care, patient experience, outcomes, and provider burnout solutions, every measure of progress within US healthcare delivery may be in jeopardy.

John Matthew Douglas
66 months ago

The  often promoted EMR system of the VA has been an un-mitigated disaster costing billions of dollars over the last decade with millions of medical records breached without HIPAA consequence,

This Veterans Health Administration boon-dogle was the largest integrated healthcare information system in the United States, and used client-server architecture. Known as the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA), it provided technology infrastructure to about 1,300 care facilities, including hospitals and medical centers, outpatient facilities, and long-term care centers. VistA utilized a client-server architecture that linked together workstations and personal computers using software that was accessed via a graphical user interface. The problem was that it didn't work,

The competitive-bid private replacement last year was similarly condemned and is currently under replacement consideration. CHEESE!

Dr. David E. M
66 months ago

We have a major incident that caused potential leak of personal health records:


Hope further measures is in place to prevent this from happening.

Steven Chin
66 months ago
I have never known, nor had, a single paper MR breach. Today, there have been over one hundred million EMR breaches. WISHFUL THINKING – It will only get worse. Now add your exact human genome via 23 and Me., etc and ponder the future? - Dr. David E. 66 months ago

Have some input?