Are we working well together?


As talent leaders, do you find that we are working well and in conjunction with other corporate departments in delivering the employer branding, mission, vision and values to help build great programs for employees?

Talent Management
Working with Mangers and Directors daily
Lisa Vasquez-Fedrizzi
67 months ago

4 answers


Influencing without authority is a very difficult task. Lots of times recruiters/HR are tasked from above with the responsibility to do something that is different or new (such as hire more women engineers, or people with new and different backgrounds for instance)

If people in the talent roles are not trained on how to find common ground, explain the change and help people see the value to them of the new effort, they often "fall back" on what Alan Arnett called "pushing whatever they think best practice talent management is.

Lisa Fedrizzi, there are so many aspects to "delivering the employer branding, mission, vision and values other than devising good programs. Talent leaders need to understand change management, marketing, negotiation, sales, customer expectations too.

To do this right, there needs to be a "strategic people plan" that dovetails with the business strategy and lays out measurable tasks to enable people to hit that strategy

Ellen Raim
67 months ago

Hi — i think there is a lot of space for improve,ment. First of all, departments are not leveraging the competencies and skills of the other departments. Example: often CSR and HR don‘t talk. Huge problem. Energy is wasted. Secondly as every department is only focusing on their skills rather than their contribution to the whole and as one firm, companies missing big time on their purpose and value creation to society. And thirdly, HR is reducing their contribution big time by defining themselves as a service department They should also develop and demonstrate the professional view and processes like the finance peole do anddrive the ‚people‘ aspect on sustainable business.

Klaus J. Schuler
67 months ago

I've spent the majority of my career in other departments and only some in Talent, and the short answer to your question is - it varies. The best Talent teams I've seen can deal with other departments equally on business issues first, not just pushing whatever they think best practice talent management is. A senior business unit leader in one company said he wanted his corporate function teams to help him run his business better, not just have them tell him about their favourite models and theories. In his view, none of the functions really did that - they all had their own agendas.

Alan A
67 months ago

As i4CP's report: How to Avoid Collaborative Overload points out, teams need leadership and direction on how to manage collaboration. Overload becomes an issue when team members don't know who to turn to when too much of a "good thing" falls on them. Overload can be as counterproductive as failing to collaborate in the first place.

Jeanette K. Winters
67 months ago

Have some input?