

How do you handle effectively the different expectations of different stakeholders / shareholders?

Ambiguity management
ambiguous problem solving
corporate politics
Edouard Spicher
67 months ago

4 answers


Ethical Conflicts in Stakeholders' & Shareholders' Needs & Expectations, what do you think about this article?

Paolo Beffagnotti
67 months ago

To do this, I suggest the first step is to determine the influence of each of the stakeholders, what impact they will/can have on the project and what other risks/issues you have with them. Templates for these are pretty easy to find. Below is one I just pulled off the internet.

the next thing I would do is create a RACI or CAIRO matrix which outlines what level of "say" each of these stakeholders get and review that with the various people. (here is an url that explains this)

when you know who they are, what makes them tick, what role they play on your project you can have a much better idea how to work with them.

Ellen Raim
67 months ago

I agree with Ellen leveraging a RACI Chart is a very effective method of managing stakeholder responsibilities.

The 3 steps that I leverage for resolving stakeholder conflicts are:

  1. Understand what each stakeholder is being measured on for success (e.g. what is their bonus tied to.
  2. Understand the conflicts and commonalities between those stakeholder goals.
  3. Based on the knowledge from 1 and 2 create the win/win scenario that maximizes the common wins and minimize the conflicts
Margaret Mitchell
67 months ago

Margaret Mitchell, I really like the way you frame your point number one. I’m going to add it to my toolkit. Thank you.

Ellen Raim
67 months ago
Thanks Ellen! I appreciate the reminder on using the RACI matrix. It's so easy to forget about this great tool - Margaret 67 months ago

Have some input?