Employee Engagement


How would you describe a non-discriminatory interview question that seeks to determine the potential for an employee to be highly engaged (driven) in the work they perform? You cannot pose a direct question to the candidate, but must construct interview questions that tend to reveal this aspect of one's work ethic.

Employee Engagement
Interview Preparation
Strategic Planning
Douglas Shaffer
68 months ago

3 answers


I would focus on behaviorally based questions.

Tell me about a time when you felt fully engaged at work. describe the setting, culture, supervisor?


Tell me about a time when you didn't feel engaged at work. Describe the setting, type of work, type of supervisor, etc

Then listen closely and probe for more information

Wayne Tarken, CSM, SPHR
68 months ago

give me some examples of when you have gone "above and beyond" in a work situation. Tell me the circumstances and how you handled them

Ellen Raim
68 months ago

Employee engagement is about finding the intersection of what's important to the company and what's important to the applicant. I would ask questions that get at motivation and in what conditions the individual performs best -- I. E. independently or on a team. What most interests you in this role? What do you find attractive about our company? Tell me about experiences when you felt more enthusiastic about your work and performed at your best? Describe any time you were asked to stay longer or put in extra time to contribute toward an important matter? Hope it helps. I agree with other responses here as well.

Michael Wood
67 months ago

Have some input?