Service Meshes and Distributed Tracing for Kubernetes


We currently run Kubernetes (on AWS via Kops) in production with all our applications as microservices. We have an inherent need to see how transactions flow between these services, how they interact etc. Distributed Tracing is a feature that perfectly meets this purpose.

There are service meshes such as Istio ( that provide distributed tracing as a part of the entire service mesh in addition to features such as circuit breaking, traffic routing and much more. Have any of you actually managed to run Istio stably in production and benefitted it? We have tried setting up the Istio(0.6) pilot and components but they were far too unstable and kept restarting.

In addition, are there any other ways to integrate distributed tracing without introducing application changes ? We also gave OpenTracing a shot but it simply didn't work for our Java Play applications.

Cloud Native Applications
Shreyans Sheth
68 months ago

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