How to get a recognition for your skill


my opinion on geting recognition to your professional contribution in AFRICANS (Ethiopian) industries look very difficult.
how can someone convince his/her employer that his/her contribution is votal and important to the employer?

Eyob Tesema
82 months ago

3 answers


you have to try to put a financial value on your time and efforts.
If you ae able to document determine howmuch $ you have saved the company or your unit per day, month annually based on some financial, tax, operational IT Telephony changes that you have discovered, conceptualized, recommended and have factual proof that your efforts recomendations saves the company $100,000.00 PA vs your salary of $20,000. PA a 5:1 ROI ROA return
Gerard JC LA Tournerie
Wexfiord Systems, LLC.

82 months ago
Agree on the financial point! - Eyob 82 months ago

The first set of questions to ask and answer revolve around what is important to your organization and, more specifically, your bosses... From there, it's about finding ways to align, demonstrate, and communicate the contributions a person is making relative to what is important. The next key includes understanding and taking advantage of the formal and informal means of communicating one's ideas for helping the organization and your bosses succeed. This includes developing trusting relationships with colleagues and bosses.
Also, when an opportunity arises, take it.
Thoughts / questions?

Edward R Jarecki, MBA
82 months ago
Agree....but still difficult to convince Boss & Owner at a time - Eyob 82 months ago

It does take time combined with persistence and perseverance. it is generally more of a journey versus destination... :-)

Edward R Jarecki, MBA
82 months ago
Tnx - Eyob 82 months ago

Have some input?