Technology vs Intuition. The gut wins every time, right?


Data can be sliced and diced many different ways. Technology is available to help with all aspects of decision making. Will intuition become a thing of the past? Will decisions only get made if the technology supports them?

Decision Making
David Cottrell
68 months ago

3 answers


Intuition will always be important. When data shows intuition is right, it builds confidence in your gut. Perhaps it will depend which way is faster.
But, learning goes both ways. If data results are counterintuitive, I think there would be a pause to decide.
Net, it's always good to listen to your intuition.

Dawn Houghton
68 months ago

OK. Second go at this. First response disappeared??

As with all new technologies over the decades, some people will put all their eggs in the new tech basket, either because they want to absolve themselves of accountability, or because they want to believe it's all knowing.

If you listen to the people who build and think deeply about the new tech, they see both the technical limitations and the ethical/moral questions around it's use. After all, we act as if the tech is distinct from us, but it's still coded by humans, and is only as smart as the things they build in for it to take account of.

There will be lots of situations where tech will take the simple, predictable decisions away from us, and that's probably a good thing. But it will force all of us to me thoughtful about the decisions we are left with, which will be more complex and fuzzier. So we'll have to get better at both the 'logical' and 'intuitive' aspects of them.

Alan A
68 months ago

This is a very fundamental question which is driving the level of evolution in the technology sector. The systems that are established over the years in respect to the exponential innovations in technology and its deployment. The question, I think, that will need to be well addressed is the impact of intuition on the ethical use of technology. Intuition drives the ethics of every sector. A synchronous use of the two fosters good decisions. I believe if technology leads intuition, ethics ceases to hold and abuse is absolutely inevitable. There have been cases of over interpretation of data which was only proved limited upon its real life translation.
A well balanced intuition guided technology that is well regulated, has always help in advancing data extrapolation leading to great decision in the end. Technology as well can direct different levels of thinking which will inform usability, reliability and the extent of impact to look for. In this case it is technology that stretches intuition into possible areas not considered. It is good to have decisions supported by technology but cannot entirely be the case all the time. We have to also be aware of defective technology or one that is not curated enough to give balanced information in the end, in that respect, intuition inform the extent of the use of technology.

Yaw Aniweh (PhD)
68 months ago

Have some input?