Founder at Equilibrium Perspectives at Equilibrium Perspectives
Joined 01/19/2018
Level: LEVEL 01 (12 mo pts: 0 pts)
Rating: 4.7879/5 stars (462 ratings)
Lifetime points: 5258 pts
I am working on and promoting Equilibrium Theory with both relative and absolute perspectives, as follows:
1. A PERFECTLY ELASTIC SYSTEM will RE-BALANCE the effect of finite or infinite STRESS (demand) on it...after a given period of TIME; while a PARTIALLY ELASTIC or INELASTIC SYSTEM, may proceed to DECLINE or DEATH.
2. A PART of an infinite WHOLE is NOTHING compared to the WHOLE.
It is a multidisciplinary thinking to enlighten people, globally, about the dynamics of natural and man-made systems in relation to the common threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths inherent in the world's social, cultural, political and economic environment; within the context of 21st century globalization.
Globalization has not only reduced the space and time for both contact and activities in the world today through the deployment of information, technology and capital by national, multinational or transnational entities. It is also accelerating and magnifying the dimensions of factors and forces which may undermine development, namely: poverty, hunger, unemployment, diseases, financial crises, climate change and social unrest. These problems portends grave consequences for the stability and safety of the entire global system of seven (7) billion people, if unchecked. A threat to one may become amplified to be threat to many or perhaps all. Recent developments have confirmed the concerns that I have raised here notably the consequences of uncontrolled migration and various threats to national security. The implications for the global system would have been worse but for interventions such as the Paris Climate Agreement and the SDGs. The effects of Brexit on the psychology of supra national organization such as EU coupled with the rising influence of populist governments can not be over emphasized.
There is need to sustain global discussions and consensus on energy as an essential resource and evolve new paradigm for more balanced and auspicious global system of nations.
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